Contact Form Shortcode
[ms_column style=”1/2″]
Classic Style
[ms_contact receiver=”” style=”classic” color=”#963″ terms=”yes” class=””]I have read and understood your reasonable terms *[/ms_contact]
[ms_column style=”1/2″]
Normal Style
[ms_contact receiver=”” style=”normal” color=”#963″ terms=”yes” class=””]I have read and understood your reasonable terms *[/ms_contact]
[ms_column style=”1/2″]
Outline Style
[ms_contact receiver=”” style=”outline” color=”#000″ terms=”yes” class=””]I have read and understood your reasonable terms *[/ms_contact]
[ms_column style=”1/2″]
Background Style
[ms_contact receiver=”” style=”background” color=”#000″ terms=”yes” class=””]I have read and understood your reasonable terms *[/ms_contact]